Tuesday, November 4, 2008

UPdate pt 2: moderate (france)

Last week-ish Oct.28th through Nov. 1st I spent my first Halloween in Paris. More like my first breath in a country across the Atlantic. I got a passport stamp and everything! 

After being quite a "world traveller" ;] I can now dispell some horrid stereotypes of the frenchies (they like being called that)

1. frenchies smell-- true-ish
some do smell, there is not a certain class, age or social group that smells, its just a slight stink every now and then? It is not over bearing or anything, it almost adds excitement to each new room you enter. "Will it stank?!"

2. frenchies are mean-- again true-ish
It could be the French "snobbery," the almost rightful superiority they feel over Americans that could be reason to this stereotype. When it does make sense. The entire people (city) are surrounded in art, history, fashion and knowledge, and Americans well kind of just picking their belly button lint. I imagine tourists would be kind of annoying, almost obnoxious bombarding a country, complaining about how expensive it is and actually having the nerve of getting pissed when they can't understand the frenchies' english. 

Frenchies are NOT mean when your putting down 700E for dinner though, they are actually quite charming.

3. French women don't shave-- N/A
I didn't encounter any of this, but then again I really didn't look.

4. Frenchies are lushes-- true
wine with prac. every meal? mmm. good habit, embrace it America.

5. city of love-- false
city of prostitution. high class.

6. euro cars are lame--false
more like bad ass death traps, frenchies drive so crazy in these mini speed demon-ichles I don't know how I survived. They rarely honk either, pedestrians beware.

7. fish and chips are...?---false
nottt fish or chipss (lays, pringles etc.) but duh everyone knew that. Even better fish and chips are pretty delicious, and they serve them at their local fast food restaraunts, which are difficult to find. EVEN BETTER than that you get tomato soup as a side! whatt? also option of muffins and fruit! the frenchies always do it up.

8. do they really eat croissants?--true
like breakfast everyday, total staple. totally tasty staple. if there was a staple that was croissant flavored I would puncture it into my tongue permanately. OH but french croissants dont really look like american croissants, they look more like blown up bready radishes instead a fluffy moons.

9. frenchies dont work--true
they dont. they prostitute.

10. they smoke in berets, jail-striped shirts and red stilletos.--true
only when they prostitute. 

Either way France is so ridiculously great. It makes American more than lame in comparison, almost embarrassing. 

BUT heres some visual pics to enjoy :]

^ view from the Eiffel Tower, the half way mark; a little foggy- still dope.

ya know quintessential Paris

river and pretty bridge
the louvre; early morning-ish, look at all the frenchies and non-frenchies!

please note the red sign; not the passengers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i thought of the wine with meal thing too. what a coincidence(yes i had help).