Friday, December 12, 2008

upside down

I feel like my whole world is starting to turn upside down. The more carefree about my life the more "catastrophic" it becomes! But I am still not stressing. I dont know why...I think I am having a neural disconnection somewhere.

I was 'attempted' robbed. aka a man outta nowhere ran past me in "del somethiFRITKOsomething" and tried to swipe my purse! It was a nice purse I will give it that, but no middle american man could tell the difference, so I really felt like he just picked me because mine was easily accessible. which was totallllly stupid on my part. BUT I am in my pajamas, glasses with andrea at 1 am in the morning down westheimer and he chose me to rob. or he picked me because I looked like a total wet blanket.


I heard him before I saw him and my reactions were not even that quick because i could barely comprehend what happened, but when I realize what had just got down I somewhat bolted.

According to dre, I said "omg." and got up and ran!
I followed him out of the restaurant to his car where 2 of his other friends were in.

He closed the door, I opened it and he tried to move his car but i was standing outside the driver seat, demanding my purse back. I spotted it in the hands of the passenger and grabbed it. There was a struggle while he was trying to drive off. By this time dre and the restaurant manager came outside and we collected quite a crowd.

The manager didnt do anything but bang on the passenger window while I fought the guy in the driver seat.

He was drunk, like that slow blitzed drunk and I was pissed. More pissed about the principle than the fact he had my purse and possibly like my $50 in my wallet. I was actually worried ab my momzz and how much she'd freak if I got robbed. ANDD I didnt want to go to through the trouble of getting a new license and canceling my debit card.

Even when my heart is racing and andrenaline pumping I was being rational? OR MAYBE I WAS BEING SO IRRATIONAL because I chased/fought against man and car.

The reality is he could have definitely killed/hurt/kidnapped me in some way shape or form but I just really didnt care. I believe that thought of him running me over went through my head as well but I got over it.

Somehow/way I got my purse back and he drove off in a hurry, dre almost got his license but she forgot it. understandable we were both pretty shaken up.

The meal was free but that was the extent of what he restaurant was willing to do. the police wasnt called and the 'bad guy' did inevitably got away. But he didnt get what he wanted and I wasnt hurt. Except for the massive bruise on my thigh from the side of his car that kept hitting me.

I almost died but I dont necessarily feel that way. I think I somewhat lost my mind for going after him and actually fighting him.

people are so fucked up and need to stop being mean to eachother.
My trust in humanity is failing.
and I need to get some mace.

long night.


Anonymous said...

you can get a taser too, but i think you have to be tased to have a taser "legally" but you could light someone up next time they try it anything. or keep a blade on you like my mom do.

Anonymous said...

now that i think about it the situation could of been worse if you were armed any way

Anonymous said...

Oh my God... I'm glad you're okay!

Welcome home