Thursday, December 11, 2008


dr appt results= they thought my ankle was broken/fractured........but it wasnt......but i have to wear this bogus brace for like...ever..which translates toooooooo 6 weeks.

I have never been happier, carefree and calm. Finals came and gone and I didnt die, I didnt even cry. I am hoping for the best but prepared for the worst.

I feel like I am finally starting to fall back in love again with life, but it pulled a fast one on me.

hope for the best
prepared for the worst

it snowed in austin..then houston. I drove home at 9pm last night, it was pitch black and freezing, snow flakes on my window and interpol in my stereo. it was serenely peaceful and subdued, I felt like the only person alive until I saw some other cars. But for just a second, it was like I was the only force in the world, slowly propelling home. In an universe soooo gigantic (34957438975573 AU atleast) its nice to have some delusional locality and selfishness.

I am back home, its nice, I am just taking it easy and hanging with my pup.
I hate to say it but I am sure this break will be super hectic;
I got to move out/pack up my room by jan. my mom said she wants it on the market by then.
create my DT portfolio
I have two books I need to read, and I want to read Finnegan's Wake
el paso
jills wedding
finish prison break
finish mad men

I suppose I should still get one :[ hm.

I really want Spoon's cds mmmm christmass listtt

it's really beautiful outside and inside my house, its completely empty and dusk-y, part of me wants to sleep and the other parts wants to lay

I miss my elephant humphrey, hes being fed ex somewhere :[

all in all,
I am happy.
I am not sure why, I almost feel like I shouldnt be.

But I cant help it.

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