Thursday, March 5, 2009


someone said it was vacation season.
Someone else said it was mid terms.
Someone else blamed it on a sleep debt.
Someone else said it was because better things are around the corner.

No matter what everyone tells themselves, there is not an answer for restlessness. Restlessness when there are plenty of things to be do as in one should need rest, not have excess rest!

I call it a lack of motivation. A lack of motivation from being overly comfortable. Why would one want to move from a stagnant content state? Why would anyone want to force exhaustion, pressure, uncomfortableness etc etc on their self?

No one would want to. But someone else said it was because I want to better myself.

Super human syndrome.

Drug dealers, rap stars and alpha males are all prone to this.

Is it a bad thing?
I think not.

If anything it is a rare and desirable quality.

Everyday I'm hustlin'
Everyday I need to remind myself to do that.

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