Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I wish I had a triangle symbol letter key. But I dont, or Mac doesn't, Mac should get on that.

I wonder if it really does happen, do people just wake up changed? Is it a slow process that is followed by a haste realization? or perhaps the other way around?

Either way, there is an absence and can I blame it on change? Or am I just being pretentious?

I remember being so curious about life, wanting to absorb every useless, fascinating ounce. I would describe myself as "insatiable" just because I always wanted more. There was always more- and I wanted it. But now I still see me as "insatiable" but its different now. Now, it's because nothing is good enough. Nothing is enough. My apathy is just causing me to reject everything instead of a receive. I went from a bingeing black hole to a emaciated anorexic.

I just don't seem to want anything, not anymore. But I can't even decide what it is I DO want, so if I cross how will I know to grab it?


Unknown said...

gurrrrrl! you need some laura in your life!!!!!!!

linzmmm said...

thats your answer to everything!