Wednesday, November 12, 2008

GUD news/ bad NEWz

GUD news first bc its just better to focus on the gud in life.

"Charades" was accepted into the Zero Film Fest in L.A. and plans to show Dec. 1st-6th
I play "hott girl" #1 so I am like suppperrr stokedd!

psyche I play "Meg" who is equally worthy of stoked-ness.  Congrats to Emmett Kurrrr-perkinson. Fingers crossed it does well?

super "indie/seedy" film venue *eeep!!*

website for the techies>>>

and now bad news...

I got my first email...I knew the day would come...

Karen Grum****  emailed my managing editor to point out my flaws in reporting one of my most recent articles.

I was bummed. but it was my fault for being sloppy, making mistakes and just not knowing israeli culture. Which I might add learned a lot from a 2 hour seminar about "A Boy and A Pigeon"

A book by Meir Shalev and I actually want to read some point in my life.

BUT REALLY when we are talking about war and pigeons being flown around and someone says "Palmach" in a heavy accent, recorded on a crappy recorder, being written quite rushed and fast forwarding through the 2 hr recording, things get a little musheddd. So I wrote "Parliament" dice. no dice at all.

OH and the Six-Day War is not the Israeli Jewish War, so don't make that mistake! btw the Six-Day War is also called June War and the Arab-Israeli War.

:[ so I sent an apologetic email, all pathetic like, mainly because I was so embarrassed. But everyone reassured me everyone gets "one"....(which could be a lie to make me feel better) kind of did, but STILL.

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